Friday, 3 August 2012

Emptying Ourselves

 "But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, ..." Phil 2:7 

Jesus who is God was willing to put aside His rightful place and position and by choice empty Himself (literally made Himself void) so He could purchase salvation for a dying humanity. This is the underpinning truth behind the great Gospel news. In His submission to the Father's will, the Lord did not concern Himself with what others thought or perceived of Him, nor with the humbling status he submitted to, in firstly coming in the flesh and then becoming a servant. Christ's example to us in this detail is of the utmost importance. 

Many are driven by image and what people think of them. To them even the casual observer, is all important, their perceived reputation therefore is to be maintained at all costs. It is true that as believers we have a witness and as such a Christian 'reputation' to uphold, however this should never get in the way of our obedience to God, His Word and His will for our lives. What people may think of us is relative, but what God thinks of us is of paramount importance!

If we are to have the mind of Christ in us, as verse 5 of this chapter exhorts, the example is set, the foundation of thinking at this level has been laid and the pattern of overcoming has been provided! When it comes to a choice between obeying God's direction versus maintaining a reputation which may please or impress those around us, we should follow the example Jesus gave us! We ought to be willing to empty ourselves as He did, and even at the cost of being perceived as base, vile or to be despised we should put God and His will ahead of our reputation. 

In a society and culture which highly exalts personal achievement, status, image and social relevance, becoming void, meaningless or unimportant in people's eyes, may be one of the hardest tasks we may ever face as believers, but if we want to be true followers of the Master we must be willing to go this far and further just as He did, if and when it is required of us. Yes, perhaps this is 'easier said than done', yet it is in the righteousness of 'doing' God's Word, that we are considered wise builders, erecting the edifice of our lives on solid rock; and for the 'doing' of it, we are assured of support and backing of the Lord's own strength and wisdom. 

How could we ever stand before the Lord and excuse our lack of obedience to Him on the basis that we didn't want people to think poorly of us!? If Jesus could shed His reputation as God in the the eyes of those around him on our behalf, can we rightly safeguard ours and protect it at any cost? The least we can do is be willing to yield our measly and by comparison worthless reputation to stand for the convictions, teaching and directions He has given us! Such choices in serving God may seem costly at times, but demonstrate the depth of our love for Him and the degree of our passion for His will and way in our lives. 

Some have paid this price for much lesser, man-made causes, which offer no lasting eternal reward or opportunity to bring God glory. Should we not willingly empty ourselves and become void in other people's eyes for Jesus, the greatest, most noble and most valuable cause? Besides, we may find that in emptying ourselves of "our self", we might make room for Jesus and space for His image and life in us! Food for thought.

1 comment:

  1. I still find it incredible to think that my Lord and Saviour, my King of Kings, my Redeemer, my Holy Father Friend Jesus; came down himself, made himself less than even me, allowed himself to be spat on and tortured, mistreated and crucified - all because He loved me so much, He wanted to give me a good example and opportunity to start again by being born again. I will always be so awe struck and thankful for His emptying Himself for me.
