Thursday, 2 August 2012

Alert and Watchful

"Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come." Matthew 24:42 

We have here a sobering reminder to be watchful and ready for the Lord's return.

Much contention and speculation has been entered into as to the ‘when’ of this glorious event, but Jesus here give us the ‘how’ we should behave in relation to the event. The exhortation to be alert and spiritually awake applies to each of us as believers and clearly the Lord intends to place the onus to choose this attitude and posture, on us.

The god of this world, Satan, wants to blind and numb our minds and hearts with the many distractions and the unending 'noise' of worldly and material things. It must come down to our determined choice and willing dependence on Jesus not to be lured or lulled into the death sleep of carelessness.

God gives us an assurance of His return without giving us an exact timing and that means we have to be ready at all times, because while we don’t know when, we DO know it is going to happen! There is therefore NO time when it is safe for us to be spiritually asleep and it ought to be our prayer and desire each moment of each day that we might by His grace be kept alert, awake and ready.

Prayer is the necessary companion to watchfulness and the only way and means by which we can remain spiritually attentive to the directions and leading of the Spirit and Word of God.

‘What hour’, is a date in God's mind and plan, and may also refer to a particular condition existing at the time of His coming, we don’t need to know the ‘when’. Our motivation for living a holy life which honours God and continues to do so faithfully ‘till the end’, should be our genuine love for God not so much the fear of missing our rapture appointment. True love for Jesus then and prayer are the correct spiritual conditions and preparations necessary for readiness.  

Let's pray one for another and for each member of our families that we might all be properly ready for the soon coming of Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Staying watchful can seem tiresome at times, as the Apostles found in the garden of Gesthemane. We must remember that the goal is precious, and that this life is but a vapour in eternity. I want to be determined to stay watchful and ready for the return of the Lord. What else is there on this earth that satisfies? Other than living for Jesus, continuing to grow and remaining watchful- watchful of satan and his ways, and watchful of our flesh and its weaknesses, and watchful of the world and its lures and temptations to lose sight of our goal in Heaven.
