thoughts are beyond our finite capacities. By ourselves and without His help,
we would never fathom them or grasp them. To teach us His ways, God related all
we need to know in an enduring ‘love letter’, inspired to tell us enough about
Him to honour and love Him, how we got here in the first place, and to convey to
us the plan and purpose of our existence. The Holy Bible – God’s Word, is the
only reliable tool of communication from God and the sole repository of truth
about the One true God, His works, ways and thoughts. Since it was given to
mankind, all kinds of exertions have been made to illustrate, define, explain
and analyse this divine mandate, in order to comprehend God’s revealed will and
message to us.
It is here
that we can learn all that is known about God, His ways, His thoughts, His
creative acts, His directives and purposes, and here too, that we can focus our
minds and harness our hearts to imbibe knowledge, wisdom and understanding not
found anywhere else. Entire libraries of books, references and commentaries
have been written over the centuries in an attempt to explain God’s letter to
man and exhaust its incomparable treasury. Every week, thousands of sermons and
lessons are delivered to listeners, expounding some aspect or topic of God’s
Word. Although this has continued for centuries, yet this heavenly resource is
not exhausted. Many have spent their whole lives digging deep into the truth
and message of the Bible, only to find that one lifetime is simply not enough
to plumb its depths.
In spite of
the unceasing and widespread drawing from this spiritual well, the multitudes
who daily drink from its living waters continue to find a quenching for their
thirsty souls. Its truths, principles, concepts and applications adorn and
direct the lives of people of all ages and walks of life, from all cultures and
in all times. Its stories and the message they convey, teach each new
generation how to live good, God-honouring and fruitful lives with the same
impact and freshness that was found by ancestors of old.
The Bible
has held the most prominent place and exerted the greatest authority in all
areas of mankind’s development and advancement. Its principles and truths have
contributed and impacted man’s achievements of an almost unending list of
structures and learning including government, art, science, history and human
relationships. It was the first book printed on the newly invented Gutenberg
press in 1440, and has been the No. 1 bestselling book since the 15th
century, topping the sales of all other printed matter every year with an
overall, staggering 6 billion copies printed! The Bible also holds the number one
position as the most sold and popular digital or electronic book (e-book) in
the world!
What makes
this enduring product something more than a mere book of printed words on paper
or electronic screens, is the fact that the Bible is God’s Word. It is a living
Word, so relevant and applicable to the essence of humanity, that it transcends
time and culture. It is the message which God Himself, by His Spirit and power,
inspired and communicated to mankind, and which He still stand by without
revision or alteration, for it was perfect for humanity from its inception. It
speaks to our souls, and reveals to us who we really are, and makes known the
purpose God has intended for our lives. It answers the essential questions we
all ask, and explains why we are here and where we are destined to go. Its
testimony of itself is that it is established forever, it is enduring and will
not pass away!
God makes
it clear to us that there is an unmeasurable distance between His ways and
thoughts, and ours. This is what makes His Word incomparable and unsurpassable
as the means of comprehending God. God’s
ways are higher and greater than anything we could ever imagine or come up with.
What is more, even with God’s revelation in hand, man cannot in his natural
mind and ability reach to the loftier and more profound thoughts and ways of
God, he needs the Lord's Spirit to inspire, illuminate open and clarify what is
revealed from God's mind and word. Without the influence, teaching, strength
and ability of God’s Spirit, man cannot live and practice the ways of God
consistently or successfully. Mankind is by nature weak and imperfect, unable
to direct life’s affairs without the help of the Almighty. History demonstrates
the obvious failure of even the best efforts that were made without regard to
God’s revealed principles. This is why as humans we cannot make up our own
minds about what is right and moral, but must rather enquire and learn these
values from the One who is perfect in all His ways and has the authority and
ability to dictate these standards.
nature is fallen and it has a natural bent toward sin, wrongdoing and evil.
Man’s laws and restrictions are not enough. Without the influence of the Holy
Spirit and the direction of God's Word, humanity is lost and hopeless lacking
moral strength and destitute of any true and enduring value. We should be glad
that there is an All-knowing, All-powerful and Ever-present God, who cares so
much for us and whose ways are far above ours.
We ought to rejoice at the fact that He has revealed His higher ways and
thoughts to us in His Word, so that we may grow towards His perfection,
learning and becoming increasingly better human beings, through obedience and
application of them. It should be considered our privilege to love and serve
this Great and Almighty Benefactor, who more than anyone or anything else, can
make such a positive and eternal improvement of our lives and destiny. What joy
and great liberty we find when we are filled with the new knowledge and
understanding we can gain through Jesus! This opens to us ways above our
natural ways and thoughts greater, higher and deeper than our own natural
thoughts. Life is totally different, new and worthwhile when we begin to 'see' things
God's way!
See also:
See also:
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