Weapons, warfare,
strongholds! We are left without a shadow of doubt from the terminology of the
Bible, that God wants us to understand and remember - WE ARE AT WAR!
It is challenging to
our minds to think that the Prince of Peace, who calls us to live peaceably
with all men and to make our utmost effort towards loving and genuine, harmless
cohabitation at a physical level, issues at the same time a very real, strong
and serious call to us all, to fight valiantly in spiritual warfare.
We are soundly
reminded in Ephesians Chapter 6 that our enemy is not “flesh and blood” and
that is why we read here that our weapons cannot be those we might provide for
ourselves by which we might deal with physical foes. They cannot be the weapons
of the flesh for they cannot provide any benefit or defence in the battles of
the Spirit. Such man-made weapons could never prevail in this conflict,
regardless of how advanced or impressive they might be.
Nevertheless should we
be able to see with spiritual eyes the mode of dress of true believers, we
would see them in full battle armour, arrayed and ready for the enemy, should
enmity arise anywhere, anytime. A description of the spiritual armoury we are
able to receive from the Lord and use by His might and strength, is given in
the same chapter of Ephesians and includes both defensive and offensive
weapons. Many scriptures elsewhere also detail impressive spiritual weaponry
which is available to the consecrated believer.
That we are at war therefore
and in need to be well versed with the weapons of this conflict, is a fact well
known and well accepted by every spiritually minded believer. Like the weapons,
the battle is not fought in the ability of our flesh, though we live in this
body. The fight is rather a spiritual one, a conflict between us as believers
in Jesus and the powers of the spiritual world of darkness, sourced by our
enemy - Satan.
These powers are
arrayed against us and would want our destruction at any opportunity possible.
God's answer to this is to equip us with an arsenal which is not 'carnal', that
is - of the earthly or human kind, but is rather described as ‘mighty through
God’. Herein is a clue to the nature and
the use of these weapons. They are powerful against our enemy, when triggered,
launched, lifted, driven or in any sense handled by us ‘through’ God. Success
in these armed spiritual encounters has little to do with our own physical strength, human ability or skill, and everything to do with the way and degree to which we are
able to lean on Jesus through His Holy Spirit, in the use of these provided
The weapons of the Spirit which God imparts to
all true believers include: prayer and fasting, the name and blood of Jesus,
God's Word, discernment, wisdom, faith and the fellowship of the saints. All of
these and much more are the mighty, powerful and formidable armoury which God
has provided and imparted to us and which can and will defeat our spiritual
enemies, when used ‘through God’. We are blessed to be so well equipped for the
fight and able in Jesus to vanquish our foes!
Our task then is to
‘wear’ at all times the armour God has provided; to be prepared ‘in the Spirit’
by practicing with each of the ‘weapons’ and being competent with them; but
most of all to be totally and humbly reliant on the power, direction and wisdom
of the Spirit of God, when faced with an enemy in a battle. It is only through Jesus
that we are caused to triumph over the adversary, by tearing down the
strongholds and destroying the grip and work of the enemy in our lives and the
lives of others!
See also:
See also:
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